Research Center on Work Organizations and Policies
The CERTOP is a French Research Institute, a Social Sciences research center jointly tutored by the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), the University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès and the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier. It also hosts a Regional Research Center of the Céreq (National Research Center on Training and Qualifications).
From 2016 to 2020, the CERTOP was International Associated Laboratory (LIA) of the CNRS « Food Cultures and Health » (France- Malaysia). In this context, CERTOP is at the origin of the OVALIE platform (supported by: CNRS, University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Région Occitanie): experimental restaurant studying deeply the influence of physical and social contexts on eating and drinking behaviors. Our Research Center also has institutionalized partnerships with Vietnam and Brazil, and recently with China. Since 2012, the CERTOP is a founding member of SMS/SSW (Structuration des Mondes Sociaux/Structuring of the Social Worlds), selected by an international scientific jury as a laboratory of excellence (LabEx) and financed by the government as one of its “Investments for the future”. The CERTOP was founded in 1994. It now counts over a hundred members, and covers a wide range of fields and disciplines aimed at the understanding of the social world. The CERTOP gathers Sociologists and researchers from other disciplines, mainly Economics and Communication Sciences. Our Research aims to analyze the dynamics of change and of legitimization, just as much as the increased insecurity and stigmatization which characterize the contemporary social spaces. Certop presentation brochure 2020 (.pdf) Members: 70 Researchers 35 Ph.D. Students Administrative & Engineers Ph.D. and associate members Documentation Centre – a collection in Sociology – a collection regarding Gender Studies, one of the most noticeable in France OVALIE Platform project Experimental restaurant studying deeply the influence of physical and social contexts on eating   and drinking behaviors.
Main scientific thematics
Economy and Markets / Environment, Sustainable Development / Food, Health, Tourism / Gender Studies / Organizational Learning and Social Change / Public policies, Governance, State / Risk / Training, professional Qualifications / Universities, Higher Education, Research / Work, Labor and living conditions
4 scientific research axes

INTRA – The intelligence of work This research group specifically aims at understanding changes in Gender, labor, wages, careers and specific segments of professional worlds. Read more Masters
SANTAL – Health and food This research group focuses on the Food and Health Fields, both on their relationships and on the dynamics of each. Read more Masters
TERNOV – Ecological transitions. Risks, Innovations, Tourism This research group studies the controversies linked to environmental issues, energy policies, expertise processes, risk and Tourism Studies. Read more Masters
PUMA – Policy and Market This research group gathers Researchers who are working on the links between governance, government and markets, as well as on the growing similarities and the remaining differences between the public and private spheres. Read more Masters

Laboratory director Prisca KERGOAT, Sociology – Director of the CERTOP – Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès Deputy directors Laurence TIBERE, Professor of Sociology – Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès Philippe LEMISTRE, Sociology and Education economics, Research engineer (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) – Céreq Contact us How to find us?

updated november 2021
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Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès
Labex SMS Toulouse
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société de Toulouse