Les vidéos de cette conférence  ainsi que l’interview de la conférencière sont en ligne sur la chaîne YouTube de l’ISTHIA.

Hospitality and international tourism: intercultural dynamics, past and present

en présence de Jenny MENDER, Department of French, Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement, University of Cambridge, UK. 

This lecture, which will be given in English, will not offer a history of international tourism.  It will instead reflect on the value – social as well as commercial – of interpreting tourist sites through the lens of past international interactions in all their complexity and moral ambiguity.  It will argue that a grounding the touristic experience in a history of global movement and exchange does not dilute a sense of place or ‘authentic’ local culture: to the contrary, it can serve to put local places, especially those in the so-called provinces, literally ‘on the map’, adding to their significance and attraction both for those who live locally and those who visit from afar.  Engaging with the scholarship of Salazar and other literature on the peace ­ tourism debate, including the UNWTO ‘Tourism 4 SDGs’, the lecture will also argue that more attention to global history can contribute to a framework for understanding and promoting tourism as a means to question national and regional stereotypes, contribute to personal and institutional growth, and help open doors towards global peace.  To anchor these more theoretical and ambitious lines of reflection, the audience will be invited to join the lecturer virtually on her recent visit of a National Trust property in Devon.

Hospitality and international tourism: intercultural dynamics, past and present - 12 octobre 2023 - 14h à 16h - FOIX

Date et Horaires

jeudi 12 octobre de 14H À 16H00


Lieu : Foix


Cette conférence s’adresse en priorité aux étudiants des master mention Tourisme et pourra également être ouverte aux étudiants de L3TD, LP NTIC + DDT, L3 GF, Master TD, Master TIC, L3THFS, L3MIT, Master THFS, Master MIT. 

Jenny Mander’s Biography

Jenny Mander is a member of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages at the University of Cambridge where she holds the title of Professor of French Intellectual History and Intercultural Dialogue.  She is also a Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement, an interdisciplinary research centre that seeks to explore all patterns of mobility and immobility, past and present, connecting research on migration with that on sustainable tourism.  She has published widely on early globalisation, notably on the abbé Raynal’s Histoire philosophique et politique des établissements et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes, and on the so-called rise of the European novel.  She has been working with local community projects to explore the complexity of Voltaire’s dictum ‘Il faut cultiver notre jardin’ and to understand the place of storytelling for those on the move.

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