Editions : Lexington Books

ISBN : 978-1-66696-908-5

Date de parution : 30/09/2024

AuteurJens Thoemmes, Sociologue, Directeur de recherche au CNRS

Résumé :

Placing work environments from France, Germany, and China in comparative perspective, this book explores the way time autonomy varies in different workplaces and socioeconomic contexts as well as the conditions, opportunities, and risks involved. Jens Thoemmes details how time autonomy transitioned from early efforts to reduce working hours to today’s complex debates about managing work time. Initially focused on reclaiming time from employers during the nineteenth century, time autonomy has broadened to encompass how work integrates into overall social time.


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Labex SMS Toulouse
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société de Toulouse