5th edition HEPS conference: « Healthcare and society: new challenges, new opportunities »

Date October 5-7, 2016

Venue Toulouse, France, at the Pierre-Paul Riquet congress center (University Hospital of Toulouse)

HEPS conferences seek to gather all scientists and practitioners from the Human Factors/Ergonomics (HFE) and from the healthcare worlds to share experience and knowledge on healthcare systems performance, on healthcare professionals’ well-being and on patient safety.

This 5th edition will focus on the place of healthcare in our societies as well as on the challenges and opportunities that evolutions in societies offer to healthcare organizations. It will consist of invited lectures, oral presentations, symposiums, round tables and posters.

The call for papers is available at http://www.heps2016.org. (deadline February 15, 2016)

We very much look forward to seeing your submissions and to meeting you in Toulouse next year.

With best wishes,

Vanina Mollo, Pierre Falzon and Anne Raspaud

Co-chairs of HEPS 2016

Invited speakers

Partners INP Toulouse, Ipst-Cnam, CERTOp; Hôpitau de Toulouse, CRTD, Cnam, SELF

Sponsorship the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), the national ergonomics society of the hosting country, with additional sponsorships from national bodies in the domain of healthcare and safety

Steering Committee

  • Vanina Mollo, PhD, assistant professor in ergonomics at the Polytechnic National Institute, and member of the Research Centre on Work, Organizations and Policies. V. Mollo conducts research in patient safety and on organizational models for ensuring quality of life of patients with chronic diseases. She also conducts health care training programs on occupational risk assessment and management, and on Human and Organizational Factors of healthcare safety. V. Mollo is a member of the HEPS Steering Committee.
  • Pierre Falzon, Professor of Ergonomics at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam), Director of the Research Center on Work and Development. P. Falzon led or conducted research regarding patient safety (in radiotherapy, oncology, anesthesia) and the organization of the care process (outpatient, workflow). Former president of the IEA, he is the current president of the HEPS Steering Committee.
  • The University Hospital of Toulouse, represented by Martine Servat (MD, Director of the medical strategy), Frédérique Decavel (Head coordinator of healthcare), and Anne Raspaud (PhD, Ergonomist engineer).

Organizing committee

  • Béatrice Barthe, assistant professor in ergonomics, University of Toulouse, Toulouse
  • Dominique Baudrin, public health doctor, referent of risk associated to care, regional health agency, Toulouse
  • Jean-Yves Bousigue
  • Julien Cegarra, Professor of Ergonomics, Jean-François Champollion University Center, Albi
  • Pierre Falzon, Professor of Ergonomics, Cnam, Paris
  • Hélène Faye, Researcher in Ergonomics, Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety Institute, Paris
  • Agnès Furno, training manager, Institute for an Industrial Safety Culture, Toulouse
  • Irène Gaillard, assistant professor in ergonomics, Polytechnic National Institute, CERTOP, Toulouse
  • Anne Mayère, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, University of Toulouse, CERTOP, Toulouse; Vice-Director of the Federative Institute for Interdisciplinary Researches and Studies on Health and Society – IFERISS
  • Vanina Mollo, assistant professor in ergonomics, Polytechnic National Institute, CERTOP, Toulouse
  • Anne Raspaud, Ergonomist engineer, Medical Affairs Direction, University Hospital, Toulouse
  • Angélique Roux, assistant professor in Information and Communication Sciences, University of Toulouse, CERTOP, Toulouse

update May 23, 2016