Piluso, N., & Rau, C. (2020). The Effects of the Consultation With Residents on the Prevention of Industrial Risks. American Journal of Management, 20(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/ajm.v20i3.3111

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This article models the collaboration between high-risk (hazardous) industries and residents on the safety investments to be implemented. We compare the safety investments level implemented by the company when it decides alone and when there is consultation with residents within the CSS (COMISSION DE SUIVI DES SITES or Site Monitoring Commissions). It appears that companies are likely to increase their investment effort when they consult with the residents. However, although this collaboration with citizens still seems insufficient in the eyes of residents’ associations, the consideration of citizen’s point of view via a review of accident probabilities does not necessarily have a favorable impact on safety investments. That is why it is necessary to go beyond the limits imposed by the probabilistic approach.

Keywords: Management, industrial risk, consultation, risk studies, safety investments

Contact: Nicolas Pilusonicolas.piluso@iut-tlse3.fr